"I code...therefore I AM!"
Whether you are recruiting for a group, club, or organization, marketing a product or service, or simply wanting guests to visit your slice of the web-pie, your site must not only attract visitors but it must attract repeat visitors. Internet research indicates that web surfers and potential clients are looking for and expect fast loading pages, new and fresh content, and ease of navigation from their web destinations. Your visitors demand it so why don't you! It's what we provide at Design Lunacy.
Design Lunacy's website design and development services are very reasonably priced and the results are vibrant. We make it easily affordable to have a professionally designed web home. We consult with you in every phase of the development and design process to ensure a design that works for you allowing you to view your website as it evolves. We employ many different technologies to solve your web presence needs. Utilizing such technologies as; XML, HTML, DHTML, Java, Flash, CSS, Portable Document Format (.PDF) and others!
We often hear, "maybe I should save some dough and just build my site myself." This is great if you have the time to take away from your business or personal endeavors. And you have the leading-edge development software packages to build your site. And you have training in web design and development and a half-dozen friends with the same to help you meet your timelines. And this and that and...Still not sure if you need to utilize a designer? A professional designer will save you precious time so that you can have a life.
For about the same price as a decent web site design program, a web designer knows all the programs, has all the tools to get your site up and running now, and already possesses the skills necessary to get your site on the Net. Design Lunacy means experience! Our lead designer brings 20 years of Information Technology experience to the table. Think about all the time you will save rather than trying to figure it out for yourself.
Whether you are a small business, a startup, a club or group, a nonprofit or community service organization, or simply an individual looking for a way to say "hi!" on the world wide web in a creative and innovative fashion, we're here for you! Your future on the Net begins today...and we can help you achieve your goals. Contact us by phone at 775.934.3721 or by e-mail, now for a price quote for your site. Hurry, the Web awaits!
Design Lunacy offers:
—Experience, over 20 years of Information Technology experience
—Domain name registration through PairNIC, an industry leading domain registrar
—Web site hosting through Pair Networks, an industry leader in web hosting
—Web design and development from your specifications from start to finish
—Web site maintenance and content updates
—Graphic design including print and web graphics, logo design, and custom artwork
—Digital photography (local area only)
—Meta-tag insertion
—Restructuring or redesigning your existing web site
—Advertising banner design
—Animation design including Flash animation for site intro and page titles
—Form design
—Online documents including the most popular formats; MS Word, Portable Document
Format (.PDF), etc.
—and more